Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Twas The Night Before Homecoming...

Tomorrow my husband is flying in. I can't describe all the emotions running through my body at this very moment. I'm anxious, nervous, excited, and even a bit scared.

You can't help but wonder what has changed. Has he changed? Have You changed? You become more independent, you learn to do everything you did with them, alone. Things have changed. You wonder how those changes will make a diference in life after homecoming. Will things just pick up where they left off? Will things be hard? Will things be better than before deployment? Will he like decisions you've made (with me, will he like our house?)? Etc. It can be scary and at the same time, exciting.

And boy am I ever anxious! Seems like tonight's clock is standing still. It's almost nauseating being wide awake, feeling that hours have passed and in reality, less than 30 minutes have went by.

I've never been so excited! Ok, other than my wedding day, I've never been this excited. I feel like a little kid again and i feel like Christmas day is tomorrow. Santa is surely granting my Christmas wish early!

I'm extremely nervous. I feel like I'm preparing for a blind date.. or just a date at that! I am in a "new" relationship again and again with my husband. These butterflies are going wild!

Tomorrow is extra special for us. Not only is my husband coming home, he's coming home 3 years to the date he proposed to me. July 13, 2008 is when he proposed (married September, 27, 2008) to me. July 13, 2011 is when he's coming home to me. That just makes it extra exciting... and even more that he remembered it.

It's the end of the Journey for Deployment number one, now we prepare for being completed again to prepare for deployment number two.

Six months too long, but these two hearts stayed strong.


  1. Enjoy having him home! What a sweet, sweet day :D

  2. Glad he's coming home! Mine just came home a few weeks ago...but we've been together 13 married for 11 and have been through many deployments! But this post reminded me of the first!

  3. Congrats for making it through your first deployment!!! i swear the moment you see him it will all be worth it. You will mostly forget all the " this stinks" moments. Get sleep tonight! im sure you wont tomorrow!!! Congrats again!! and enjoy!

  4. That is so cool for you. I am super excited for you and I hope that his homecoming is everything you hope it will be. You will be the most beautiful thing that he has seen in the last six months!

  5. I hope today is everything you'd imagined and more! Enjoy every moment with him… And I hope you got some sleep!!

  6. So excited for you!! It is like a first date...you get to start your honeymoon period all over again. Wishing you all the best!

  7. My husband is coming in this week as well! Congrats on your first deployment! This was ours as well. I'm feeling all those same emotions, and I'm so glad I'm not alone! :]
