Saturday, May 15, 2010

Now time for the winners!

AND THE WINNERS ARE....(Drum-roll please)

My Life as a Sailors Princess

-A blogger award from my blog. (one made by me for winning my competition)
-2 photo edits. (You send me a picture and I have fun with it) I use Photoshop CS3 for my edits. Large photos are required and will have to be sent to me via email. [email:]
-Custom made Graphic
-A blogger button for your blog.
-be mentioned on my Blog :)

 Mrs. Muffins

-1 photo edit. (You send me a picture and I have fun with it) I use Photoshop CS3 for my edits. Large photo is required and will have to be sent to me via email. [email:]
-A blogger button for your blog.
-be mentioned on my Blog :)

 Goodnight Moon

-A blogger button for your blog.
-be mentioned on my Blog :)


  1. Hey, not that I was trying to vote for myself, but I was running down the list of people and I didn't see my blog in the voting column. Am I the only one who can't see it because it's my blog?

    Just Anchored @ The Life of An ET's Wife

  2. Just stopping by to say that I think you have a super sweet blog! (Check my blog for details!)

  3. I have an award on my blog today for you and everyone one who is a military family member. And it is free. No strings or rules for accepting.

  4. Hello! I found your blog through the "Riding the Roller Coaster" blog. I'm following now! I like the contest idea as well...really enjoying reading the entries!

  5. Hey! I noticed that some of the numbers changed?? I looked a while ago and Goodnight moon had like 15 or something and now she only has 8?

  6. Just Anchored, I see your link. :/ Did you try refreshing the page?

    Thanks Sarah! :D

    KrippledWarrior, Thanks so much! :D

    Thanks Aimee!

    The Sawyer Bunch, That's odd. Wonder if it gliched?
    Maybe that's the answer to Just Anchored's question as well?

  7. Yup! I see it now...I wonder what my computer's deal was? Maybe it was a goof. =)

  8. Am I correct that we can vote for more than one, but we can only vote one time?

  9. Just Anchored, I think the blogger poll must have goofed. :/ lol

    Mel, you can vote for more than one, but can vote just once.

  10. Hey Christina! I have two blog awards for you! I love reading your blog and feel you deserve them! Stop by my blog, read my post and find your name to find out which awards you've won :) Congratulations!

  11. Christina....that's because you are SMOKIN' HOT!!!! Seriously, your beautiful! And the thing is....I know you've been following me for awhile, but whenever I would try to find your blog, I never could? Then when I came across this....I realized it was you!!!! Super saaaweet!

  12. Congrats to Brittany, aka Sailor's Princess

  13. Congratulations to all the winners! You miitary wives and girlfriend have my utmost respect! Thank you Christina for bringing attention to our sacrifices and important job we have as military wives :)

  14. Amber, you crack me up... and totally make my day!
