Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Heart goes out to a fellow Military WIfe.

Recently, I read the news that Rachel, a 23 year old Marine wife lost her Husband while he was serving his Country in Afghanistan. Her story touched my heart and brought me to tears. Rachel is a newlywed, not even married a year... and recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who is about 2 months old. Her husband never got the chance to hold his baby girl.  My heart aches for this family.

Being a Military wife is hard. Knowing our husband's are fighting for their country, for his family.. for what he loves. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to loose my husband while he is away on Deployment. Rachel's story hits home.. as I am a Military wife. I have been thinking a lot about how important my husband is to me, and how sometimes I take things for granted.. I don't want to take things for granted anymore. I want him to know just how much I appreciate him and all he does for me. I want to enjoy every minute I have with him, because we truly never know when everything can be taken away.

If you haven't already, stop by Rachel's blog (link at top) and leave her some words of encouragement, just to let her know you are thinking about her and her baby Ariana.

 A trust fund has been set up for Ariana.
Donations can be sent to:

Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union 
ATTN: Collean McKinney for the account of Ariana Ralyn Porto 
P.O. Box 1176 Aberdeen, MD 21001
all checks should be made payable to Ariana Ralyn Porto.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel's story is truly an inspiration. I think it's important for all military wives to support each other through times like this. Thanks for sharing!
